
Name:  Quanxin Li (李全新)

Born:  1964.1, Anhui

Address:Department of Polymer Science and Engineering,University of Science and Technology of China,230026 Hefei

Tel:  63601118

Fax: 63606689

E-mail:  liqx@ustc.edu.cn

Homepage:  http://biomass.ustc.edu.cn/bencandy.php?fid=21&aid=91  



2002.8-     Professor, University of Science and Technology of China

1998.8-2002.7  Associate professor, Tokyo University of Japan

1996.10-1998.7 Associate professor, Univ. of Science and Technology of China

1995.9-1996.9  Research Fellow, Tokyo Institute of Technology of Japan

1991.2-1993.7  Ph.D. University of Science and Technology of China



1.  Catalytic synthesis of automotive and aviation bio-fuels using biomass

2.  Catalytic transformation of biomass into high value chemicals

3.  Anion storage emission materials



1.  “Study on synthesis mechanism of automotive and aviation biofuels(车用及航空生物燃料的合成机理研究)”; 973 Project(973计划课


2. “Basic research of biomass depolymerization and catalytic synthesis of advanced liquid fuels(生物质分级解聚全成分催合成先进液体燃料

  的基础研究)”;51161140331;NSFC-JST project (NSFC-JST合作项目);2011.09-2014.08。



1.  C. F. Song, J. Q. Sun, S. B. Qiu, L. X. Yuan, J.Tu, Y. Torimoto, M. Sadakata, Q. X. Li,“Atomic Fluorine Anion Storage EmissionMaterial C

  -12A7-F- and Etching of Si and SiO2 by Atomic Fluorine Anions”. Chem. Mater.,2008, 20, 3473–3479.


2.  L. X. Yuan, Y. Q. Chen, C. F. Song, T. Q. Ye, Q. X. Guo, Q.S. Zhu, Y. Torimoto and Q. X. Li, “Electrochemical catalytic reforming of oxyge

  -nated-organic compounds: a highly efficient method for production of hydrogen from bio-oil”, Chemical Communication, 2008, 5215-5217.


3.  Tao Kan, Jiaxing Xiong, Xinglong Li, Tongqi Ye, Lixia Yuan,Youshifumi Torimoto, Mitsuo Yamamoto, Quanxin Li*,High efficient production of

  hydrogen from crude bio-oil via an integrative process between gasification and current enhanced catalytic steam reforming,Int. J. Hydrogen

  Energy, 35(2), 518-532, 2010


4. Yong Xu, Tong-qi Ye, Song-bai Qiu, Shen Ning, Fei-yan Gong, Yong Liu, Quanxin Li*,“High efficient conversion of CO2-rich bio-syngas to

  CO-rich bio-syngas using biomass char: a useful approach for production of bio-methanol from bio-oil”, Bioresource Technology,102(10),



5.  Feiyan Gong, Zhi Yang, Chenggui Hong, Weiwei Huang, Shen Ning, Zhaoxia Zhang, Yong Xu and Quanxin Li*, “ Selective conversion of bio

  -oil to light olefins: Controlling catalytic cracking for maximum olefins” Bioresource Technology, 102(19), 92-47–9254, 2011


6. Weiwei Huang, Feiyan Gong, Minghui Fan, Qi Zhai, Chenggui Hong, and Quanxin Li*,Production of light olefins by catalytic conversion of lig

  -nocellulosic biomass with HZSM-5zeolite impregnated with 6 wt.% lanthanum,Bioresource Technology,121, 248–255,2012


7. Bi, P.Y., Yuan, Y.N., Fan, M.H., Jiang, P.W., Zhai Q., Li, Q.X.,. Production of aromatics through current-enhanced catalytic conversion of bi

  -o-oil tar. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 136: 222–229.

8. Fan, M.H., Jiang, P.W., Bi, P.Y., Deng, S.M., Zhai, Q., Yan, L.F., Wang, T.J., Li, Q.X.,Directional synthesis of ethylbenzene through catalyti
  -c transformationof lignin.Bioresource Technology,2013,143: 59–67.


Authorized invention patents

1.国际专利名称: An oxygen anionic radical generator;发明人:Quanxin Li, Nishioka M, Torimoto Y, Sadakata M; Patent No:



2.名称:电催化水蒸汽重整生物油制取氢气的装置及方法;发明人: 李全新; 袁丽霞; 陈雅琼; 阚涛; 仇松柏; 定方正毅;申请号:2007101347

 07.1;授权号:ZL 200710134707.1


3.名称: 水蒸汽气氛中的生物质制氢方法及其串联流化床装置系统;发明人: 李全新; 阚涛;袁丽霞; 熊佳星;鸟本善章;申请号:200910116

 098.6;授权号:ZL 200910116098.6


4.名称: 一种混合氧化物催化剂及其在水蒸汽重整生物油制氢中的应用;发明人:李全新; 袁丽霞; 叶同奇; 陈雅琼;申请号200810123420.3;

 授权号ZL 200810123420.3


5.名称:一种利用生物油制取直接还原铁的方法;发明人: 李全新; 巩飞艳; 袁丽霞; 鸟本善章;申请号:200910116423;授权号:ZL20091011



6.名称: 一种制备多晶纳米钙铝氧化物的方法;发明人: 李全新; 宫璐; 林舟; 袁丽霞; 鸟本善章;申请号:200910116325.5;授权号:ZL 200



7.名称: 多晶纳米钙铝氧化物的抗菌用途;发明人: 李全新; 宫璐; 林舟; 袁丽霞; 鸟本善章。申请号:200910116326.X;授权号:ZL 200910



8.李全新, 徐勇, 叶同奇, 仇松柏, 巩飞艳, 一种制取生物质基甲醇的方法, 中国专利, 专利授权号:ZL 2010 1 0190095. X;2013-3-27






